LEGO Cadillac Catera Instructions. Also known as Opel Omega B or Vauxhall Omega. So this model can be easily converted to these other cars as well. In first image you can see that there is gap below front hood (where the inside part of headlights are located), not really big fan of that, but its not really possible to fix that.  This model features rare color wheel arches (part 18974) in light bluish gray color (appeared in only one set – 75910 – Porsche 918 Spyder). So before you decide about getting this model – search if you have this part available, or if you want to order it online (its not very common even on

LEGO Cadillac Catera MOC info:
– 6 stud wide
– simple design, no rare parts, but rare color wheel arches
– seating for 1 minifigure
– total 194 parts from 60 lots, all parts will cost around $40 (depending on how cheap can you find wheel arches)

You will get Bricklink source file that can be used to find parts automatically on LEGO part marketplaces like
And PDF format instruction file.