LEGO Dodge Stealth R/T 1991 Instructions. This design represents early pre-facelift version of Dodge Stealth. Because of low rood design, there is very little room for minifigure, and it needs to be angled to fit inside. So it won’t sit straight.
I have also free video instructions for Stealth on my YouTube channel. But that design is outdated and uses different body shape that is not in correct proportions.

LEGO Dodge Stealth R/T MOC Info:
– 6 stud wide
– seating for 1 minifigure
– medium complexity design, no rare parts
– total 214 parts from 64 lots, all parts will cost around $17

You will get Bricklink source file that can be used to find parts automatically on LEGO part marketplaces like
And PDF format instruction file.